Using your new mobile devices safely

December 21st 2016

With only four days to go until Christmas, today sees the launch of our awareness campaign advising people on how to use mobile devices safely.

For information and advice on safe use of your new and existing mobile devices, click here

Consistent with recent Christmases, this year will see a large number of smartphones and tablets being given as presents, as well as people treating themselves to a new device.   

Today, even the most basic smartphones and tablets are also cameras, photo albums, communication devices, GPSs, gaming consoles and – with the advent of mobile payments – wallets. Because of this, they need to be regarded in the same way as computers in terms of safety and security. However, the additional dimension is that, by definition, they are small and lightweight, making them easy to lose … or have stolen. In addition, thousands of children will also get new devices this festive season, making it important that they are safeguarded against the issues often encountered on the internet and when texting. 

Our advice – which also applies to existing mobile devices – includes the use of devices in public places (physical security and Wi-Fi hotspots), protecting them from malware, passwords and logins, apps, children and mobiles and much more.

We recommend that you take some time out to read this expert advice before you or family members start using new devices, or just as an online safety refresher.


By Get Safe Online

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