Massive increase in mobile malware

Android and Apple iOS mobile operating systems are the new favorite victims being targeted by cybercriminals with malware, according to computer security company McAfee.

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The company reports that malware is a greater threat now than any other time in the last four years. Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are increasingly being attacked by worms, viruses, botnets, Trojans and spam … seeing an increase of 700% over the previous 12 months.

"Over the last quarter we have seen prime examples of malware that impacted consumers, businesses and critical infrastructure facilities," says Senior VP Vincent Weafer. "Attacks that we've traditionally seen on PCs are now making their way to other devices."

Every single device that connects to the Internet is at risk of exposure to malware, according to McAfee. The Android mobile operating system is a growing favorite target for cybercriminals, despite Google's efforts to tighten security of the OS.

"During the past few quarters, we've seen that the Android OS is the most popular target for writers of mobile malware," McAfee's report said. "This quarter was no different; practically all new mobile malware was directed at the Android platform."


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