Increase reported in mandate fraud

January 27th 2016

Police forces and law enforcement agencies across the UK are reporting an increase in the level of mandate fraud being committed against businesses of all sizes.

For Get Safe Online's information and advice on mandate fraud, click here.

This type of fraud, which has been in existence for several years, involves the business being contacted by someone claiming to be from a supplier or subscription-based service, informing the business that their bank details have changed, necessitating the need for the payment mandate to be amended. The approach – although often made to seem entirely convincing – is not from a genuine organisation and the payments are therefore diverted to a fraudulent bank account.

Approaches are typically made by email, letter or phone call.

Get Safe Online has an advice page on how to spot and avoid mandate fraud, which we suggest you read bearing in mind the fact that this type of crime is becoming more commonplace.

By Get Safe Online

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